Cash Flow & Financial Planning

Jul 10, 2022 | Budgeting, Business, Business growth, Business planning, Cash flow, Financial Planning

Cash Flow & Financial Planning


There are many facets of cash flow and financial planning.

For instance, cash flow for small business may be very different from personal financial planning versus financial planning for retirement or financial planning for family.

Writing and using your Financial Story Plan

Let’s start with cash flow planning for startups and financial planning for small business. While some of the basic principles of cash flow and financial planning apply, small business owners, for instance, must take a few extra considerations into account.

There are many benefits of financial planning for small business owners, particularly when they make use of financial planning tools or professional financial planning software for small business.

Something as simple as writing your Financial Story Plan helps you figure out:

  • Both your business and personal goals;
  • The areas which can improve or be invested in;
  • A strategy to achieve your broader vision;
  • Monitor that strategy to ensure you’re on track and make adjustments to suit changing business or personal goals – some of the best financial planning tools have helped business owners plan out their business and personal finances in a relatively stress-free and efficient manner.

Personal Financial Planning and Cash Flow Planning

Personal financial planning, including personal financial planning online, is rarely a one-off process.  It’s an ongoing journey which reduces your stress and help you sleep better. One of the main reasons keeping people up at night with relatively high levels of stress and anxiety is money problems.

Good personal financial planning isn’t just for wealthy folks – it’s something that can benefit anyone no matter what phase of life you’re at.  The primary purpose is keeping your money problems at bay and your overall personal financial health in check.

Good personal financial planning and cash flow management means so many wonderful things.  For example, set yourself up for a happier, healthier and more productive lifestyle.

Financial planning for retirement

John Lennon once famously said: “Life is what happens while you are making plans”.

Nothing is more worthy of this than financial planning for retirement.

Good cash flow and financial planning isn’t just for businesses or young individuals. On the contrary, it is something that is applicable to older adults too, and even those who have already retired.

So, no matter how large your ‘nest egg’ is, retirement means some major changes in the way you spend money.  Your sources of income may fluctuate, as might expenses. You will loom at your financial priorities from a fresh perspective.  Making that transition from saving for retirement to generating steady income creates different priorities.

Financial planning for your retirement can be done very effectively using financial planning tools.  This is something you can online, as part of a community or with your accountant.

No matter what kind of planning advice you need, by joining the Financial Story Plan Community, you are unlocking a world of knowledge, knowhow and expertise from industry experts.

Sign up for your  FREE trial to Numbers Knowhow, the revolutionary cashflow software designed to empower you with the numbers you need to transform your business. With Numbers Knowhow, you’ll have access to powerful tools and features that will unlock a world of financial understanding and growth.