Cashflow Forecast DIY (with Microsoft Excel)

Apr 11, 2023 | Budgeting, Business planning, business success, Cash flow, Financial Planning, Financial projections

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A DIY cashflow forecast in Microsoft Excel.

Sound interesting? Then read on:

Perhaps not because you aren’t as comfortable dealing with numbers. But, this blog (and vlog) is here to show you that it isn’t scary at all. Especially when someone guides you every step of the way. 

So, if you want to learn how to create one such document containing your cashflow forecast, you’ve come to the right place.

Let me start by saying that making your own cashflow forecast is easy with Microsoft Excel. You can use it for any business, big or small. And feel more at ease because you’ll be able to see where your business is heading. 

If you’re using Google Sheets or anything equivalent, then don’t worry! The principles, approaches and formulae will apply as equally with those other packages. I’ll show you how to build a budget from scratch by using the building block approach. We’ll also deal with sales taxes, loans and credit. What’s more, you’ll save time in the process!

It’s a common problem for small businesses not to know how much money they’re going to make i.e. not have a cashflow forecast. This can be stressful, and it might even stop you from taking on new projects because of the uncertainty. But there are ways around this! You don’t have to worry about making a bad decision or getting into debt anymore, just follow these steps and you’ll be able to see what your future looks like.

Cashflow forecast video

Follow along as I walk through each step, explaining everything in simple language. The video is a jargon free zone so you will be to understand what is going on. If something doesn’t make sense, then don’t hesitate to ask me questions, and drop that comment in.

Click here right now and watch my video on how to create your own cashflow forecast with Microsoft Excel!

Are you more of a podcast person? No problem. Listen to the podcast episode on the same topic here. However, because this is actually a tutorial on creating your cashflow forecast, I strongly suggest watching the video when you have the time.


To make your cashflow forecast with Microsoft Excel is preferable to using a calculator, pen and paper. Adopt the right approach and your life will be easier and you will have a powerful weapon in sustaining and growing your business.

As you can probably conclude from the above, my mission is to inform, inspire and educate you to get closer to your numbers. So, check out some of the other blog content for an even greater learning experience. And also more information about cashflow forecast benefits, planning, etc.

Moreover, you can improve your financial understanding and well-being, and your money mindset, you make more profit, save tax and time. How wonderful is that?

Sign up for your  FREE trial to Numbers Knowhow, the revolutionary cashflow software designed to empower you with the numbers you need to transform your business. With Numbers Knowhow, you’ll have access to powerful tools and features that will unlock a world of financial understanding and growth.


Plan it. Do it. Profit