Dealing With Procrastination


Have you ever put off doing something, and then ended up racing to finish the task last-minute? If this sounds familiar the read on:

It might be that you’ve been struggling to start work on major tasks just because they feel overwhelming. Hence, you’ve delayed them, telling yourself you’ll work on them when you have more time. But inevitably, that time never comes. 

Has this made you feel like you’re stuck in a cycle of procrastination, unable to break free?

Don’t worry – you’re not alone! In this blog (also available as a vlog), I’ll look at what procrastination is, and offer some tips on dealing with procrastination.

A short intro to procrastination

Procrastination is a huge problem for many people, and it can have some pretty negative consequences on our lives. However, there are things we can do to reduce the amount of procrastination we do and improve our productivity in general. In this video, I talked about what procrastination is, how it manifests, why it occurs, and more importantly, what we can do about it.

We often delay things if:

  • They feel too difficult to complete,
  • They are new or unfamiliar, or
  • When we get distracted by something else.

The last reason, though, could well be a consequence of the first two – because many of us tend to find other unimportant tasks to do just so they don’t start with the one that seems hard to do.

When running a business, this is something that will eventually make you skid off the road. Because things will start piling up. And at one point, it will be impossible to catch up.

Another reason why you need to deal with procrastination in business as soon as possible, is because you will start to look bad in your clients’ eyes. You may start missing deadlines or forgetting to do small tasks because of all the last-minute chaos.

Dealing with procrastination

The best way to go about it is to break things down. Smaller tasks are always less overwhelming – they will not scare you. As a result, you are more likely not to procrastinate.

The same goes for time in terms of how long you do something. Assing short periods of time to complete a certain task. It may be as short as 15 minutes. But, it will get you started. You will feel immediate satisfaction because you’ve done it and crossed it off your to-do list. 

I go into more detail in my vlog, so do check it out:

If you liked this video or found it helpful in any way, please subscribe to my channel so you can stay up-to-date with new videos as they come out. Thanks for watching!

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