Excel - Building Blocks




Business Knowledge

9 Lessons

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This introductory Excel course is aimed at complete novices with little to no prior Excel experience.

It is intended to give the candidates a good grounding on the use of Excel and start them on their journey to becoming confident users of this very powerful and useful programme.

Excel - Building Blocks

Excel Building Blocks

9 Lessons

By the end of this lesson, you will understand the difference between a function and a formula.

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By the end of this lesson, you will understand the difference between a function and a formula.

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By the end of this lesson you will understand the components of a cell reference and the difference between a relative reference and an absolute reference, vital in building powerful formulas.

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At the end of this lesson you have mastered how to reference other worksheets within the same workbook.

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Use of the SUM( ) function to explain the concepts of arguments in functions and the required syntax

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When you want to see the total, count etc WITHOUT using a function to do so.

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Essential knowledge about how Excel performs calculations.

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These functions are among the easiest to use and, arguably, the most useful.

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In this section we thought we would look at one of Excels most useful Functions: IF( )

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About the teacher

Ashraf Rahman

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