Risks of becoming your own boss

By Mahmood Reza

One of the risks of being your own boss is not answering some fundamental questions:

  • Who are your customers? 
  • Are they companies?
    • If so, what:
      • industry,
      • size,
      • location?
  • Are they individuals? If so, what gender, what age, what type of issues?  
You should be able to clearly identify them in one or two sentences.


"Describe who your Customers are"

Know who & what you are dealing with

Most businesses fail due to a failure to clearly understand:

  • The Market 
  • Their Customers
  • Their customers' buying habits

Ineffective sales and marketing

Sadly, setting yourself up in business, getting a website and getting some business cards is not enough to get potential clients beating a path to your door. 

  • learn the basics of sales and marketing
  • Track your success AND Failures
  • Stop those practices that aren’t working
  • Master the 30 Second ‘Elevator pitch

We are here to help you!

The 30 Second Elevator Pitch

Imagine you have someone’s attention for 30 seconds (like going up in a lift with them) and you have this opportunity to tell them about you and your business. 

Maybe they may be a potential new client, or at the very least they are someone who knows someone who may be a new client.  

Consider how you would use those 30 seconds using these four headings:
  • Your Name and your role in the business.
  • Your Business (a name or a few words that tell them what your business does)
  • Your service/product (what specifically do you do/sell that they may be interested in)
  • Your added value (what makes you stand out, what would they value that you can offer)

An Example of the 30 Second ‘Elevator pitch’:
‘Hello, my name is John Davies and I own a business call Quantum Services, which is a startup IT consultancy in the North town area.  We specialise in (service A and B) with a great track record in delivering bespoke small business solutions to a broad range of sectors.  In fact, we have recently delivered a (insert short example job) and the Managing Director estimated that this saved (will save) them £60k in the financial year in increased workforce capacity’. We are really please with we did such a great job.


"Write your own 30 second elevator pitch"

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