How serious are you?

By Mahmood Reza

Can you answer 'YES' to these questions:

  1. I have identified my business.
  2. I have conducted research in to its viability.
  3. I understand I need to sell to make my business a success.
  4. I can take a calculated risk.
  5. I believe in myself.
  6. I understand the consequences for my personal life.
  7. I am prepared to work long hours and make sacrifices.
  8. I am fit and healthy.

There will be other reasons why you feel serious or not:

  • It is recommended that you write down a list of all the real reasons why you are serious and committed to this change.  
  • The more yes answers you have the more likely it is you are serious about this venture. 
  • You will need these as a key motivator along with your business goals.

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