The Entrepreneur

By Mahmood Reza
“The entrepreneur loves business first, has a one track mind, great stamina, good judgement about people and high energy levels, balanced by periods of relaxation”

- Warren Avis

founder of Avis car rental

  • Why do some people start their own business every year while others just talk about it? 
  • Why do some succeed while others fail?  

This can be driven by a number of factors, but key amongst them will be your suitability:

Only you can truly judge if 'being your own boss' is right for you.

three fundamental factors

The three most fundamental factors that will affect your success can be boiled down to:

1. Knowledge

2. Skills

3. Attitude

These are the basis for your success in life.

Knowing and understanding how capable you are in all these areas in relation to your business venture will be a useful tool as you set out on your new venture

maximise your opportunity to achieve your business goals

We are here to help you!

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