Being Your Own Boss

By Mahmood Reza
Business Knowledge
32 Lessons
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About Being Your Own Boss

About Mahmood Reza

Mahmood Reza, FCCA, FTT, FRSA, MCMI, DMS, PGCE, BSc (Hons).

Business Finance Fixer, Accountant, Tax Advisor, Educator, Mentor, Author and Podcaster helping businesses make money, increase financial awareness, reduce stress and anxiety and win the battle that goes on between their ears.

What’s not to love, Numbers are important, they are your best friend in business, and they don’t lie to you: I help businesses, of all sizes, shapes, and forms to understand use their numbers to survive, grow & prosper.

During my business life of 30 years plus I have helped thousands of small businesses, artists and creatives and social enterprises be the best they can be.
It’s my belief that once you understand what your numbers are, where they come from, and what they mean, you can use them to make better decisions and ultimately make (or keep) more money. What every business owner wants, right?

I believe that people want value, thoughts, and experiences they can identify with and apply to their situation, authenticity, and straight talking delivered with kindness.

Business and Personal Background

I one of nine kids, the middle child and rumoured to be the cutest. London is my place of birth, I emigrated to Leicester in 1982 to study for my first degree in Law, Accounting and Maths at De Montfort University. Work, business, wife, family, friends, and cats have kept me in Leicester.

From pre-teenage years I always wanted to run a business, (didn't know what) and dabbled in a few Entrepreneurial activities at secondary school, from running a coffee shop, lost property shop and dabbled in managing local bands. Coming from a large family (nine brothers & sisters) and very little money, bettering yourself was a way out.

What drives me is the idea that I can always do better, don't take anything for granted, have never had a safety net of well-off parents.

How I got to where I am so far
An initial career in teaching which I left after 3 years, on the grounds that in the UK teaching is (unfairly) equated with the idea of not being able to do anything else. I then looked for a job and went into the Hospitality Industry as a divisional accountant, reporting to Board level.

After 5 and half years, great & wide experience, several qualifications I changed tack again. Reason, I loved being an accountant, but felt I could add more. I started my own business from my back bedroom in Feb 1995 and continued from there. I have moved out of my back bedroom!

I didn’t completely leave the world of teaching and education and I have been fortunate to have taught and training at all educational levels, nationally and Internationally, from primary to postgraduate, vocational to academic, professional to work based.

Author, I Hate Numbers | You Tube and Podcast, I Hate Numbers.

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